Tuesday, March 06, 2007

A Three-point Trippy New Year

This has to be one of the trippiest new year I've been through in my life. No, I haven't taken up drugs, but the way life has it, it just wasn't the usual way things happen for me as far as sequences of events go.

No partying of any form, no watch night of any form, no hand-shaking and no 'Happy New Year' hollers of any form. Just spent my new year freezing my ass off at 7 degrees celsius or so on a Chiang Rai mountain district called Doi Wawi watching B-grade horror flicks and swallowing two packs of local tom-yam flavored instant noodles and a cup of Ovaltine every night with a good friend, just to make sure ice doesn't form on our collective asses. And, two months after the fact, and in the midst of Chinese New Year, I learned the Thai word for 'happy new year'.

Sawadee bi mai to all.

Just when I thought I didn't have that many things to look forward to in the new year, a bunch of old friends came back to life. Thanks to the search function in Friendster, a bunch of old secondary nakama suddenly did a Backstreet Boys and reunited. Birds of a feather really do flock together, no matter how ruffled they have been over the years. Great to see you people once again!

Just when I thought I didn't have that many things to look forward to in the new year, I suddenly remembered I had taken JLPT last December, and my results were still a mystery. Then I got home last Wednesday and found an envelope from JCS (Japanese Cultural Society) lying on my table. While I was happy to know that the result slip managed to find its way from Japan into my home, I nevertheless tore it open with trepidition. Heck, I was thinking, if it all went down south, I didn't know what I should feel. Time stood still for a few seconds, but I made it move again with a tearing stroke to the envelope.

And.... I PASSED!!!

Haha... not with flying colours, but with sombre black carbon saying 259/400, which is 1 point short of a legitimate 65%. But I round it up anyway, and so it's a 65%. Nothing to warrant an onslaught of confetti, but if you have read my previous post about my taking JLPT 3, you'd understand my sigh of relief. Now, the world may carry on with its course around the sun.

What's next?

That's a good question. Let me know when you have stopped asking that about your life altogether.

Stay tuned for the next episode.


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